Nanjing Foreign Language School Xianlin Campus open their gates for the annual Spring Open Day

During the event, visiting parents could talk face to face with admission staffs, teachers, and current students. The NFLS Xianlin Campus International Division run different foreign curriculum programs and this year’s graduating have to date, received over 900 admissions from more than 100 colleges and universities across the world.


Open House visitors were also treated to a demonstration from some of the various elective courses available on campus to students including calligraphy, tea art, flower art, sand painting, school orchestra, robotics, and drone aerial photograph. In all, the school has over 70 different elective classes for all students.


“Every child has his or her own personality and potential. As educators, our most important task is to discover children’s interests, discover what makes them special, and guide and cultivate them so that they can reach their goals” remarked Cheng Cailing, Vice Principal of NFLS Xianlin Campus and head of the international department of the school during her address.