A-Level International Program

AHEAD Education corporates with Oxford Tutorial College, with authorization from Edexcel exam center, implements the oxford A-Level program.

The A-Level program fully opens the channel to universities and colleges in US, UK, CA, Singapore, Macao and Hongkong, provides higher platform for the student growth in all perspectives.

Introduction of A-Level Program

Oxford A-Level program consists of two sections, the fundamental section and core section. A-Level program is a higher standard course for middle school education across the United Kingdom.

  1. Oxford fundamental section includes language class and IELTs test pre classes.
  2. The core sections

Is the A-Level program, the course is overseen by Oxford Tutorial College. Oxford Tutorial College belongs to Oxford International Education Group, it’s one of the three most famous private middle schools in the group, and a leading Grade 6 school (or senior middle college) to students age from 15 to 19.

Features and Advantages of the AHEAD-Wasatch Sino-American Dual-Diploma Program

Mission and Vision

AHEAD Education Group positions itself as the leading integrator of global premium educational resources in China and a one-stop provider of international curriculum development, management and services.

Cost Efficient

The core course of UF programs can conserve at least one and a half years for language and foundation study abroad and thus can save nearly three hundred thousand RMB for tuition fees and living expenses.

Teaching Management

Teaching management model, the integration of small classes, tutorial sessions, and after-school classes, is a highlight in the teaching management of UF international high school. The model can ensure that all the Chinese and foreign teachers pay maximum attention to individuals and provide them with the most suitable academic planning and guidance.

Seamless Transition

The UF international school program courses, by which the students can learn professional language and knowledge comprehensively, provide the students with the most targeted training and capacity reserve for their study in the top universities overseas and fully guarantee that the students better adapt to the education in foreign universities.

Safe And Convenient

During their study at the UF international schools, the students can obtain the information about foreign universities and individualized guidance in admission to universities. After completing their studies, the students can enjoy the one-stop service for university and visa application to help them enter the top 50 universities in the world for their undergraduate study safely and conveniently.

Various Extracurricular Activities

To cultivate the students’ awareness and ability to serve the society and enhance their sense of social responsibility, we organize them to participate in various social welfare activities and volunteer activities. In addition, we make full use of the rich resources to help the students and teachers to participate in various exchange activities in foreign schools.

Curriculum design and management

  1. American professional teachers sent by Wasatch Academy teach the courses of nine to fifteen American credits.
  2. Chinese teachers approved by Wasatch Academy teach the courses of five to eight Chinese credits. The program lasts for three years and consists of three main parts, American core courses, Chinese high school courses and extended courses.
  3. The program lasts for three years and consists of three main parts, American core courses, Chinese high school courses and extended courses.

American Core Courses

  • Core courses include Calculus, Academic English, Physics, etc.
  • Wasatch Academy is responsible for setting the course structure and academic requirements as well as supervising the whole process.
  • Wasatch Academy is responsible for the selection and training of professional teachers.

Chinese high school courses and extended courses

  • Including Chinese, Physical education, Art, etc.
  • The curriculum is designed and implemented in accordance with the American university admission requirements, Wasatch Academy Diploma requirements, students’ profiles and each participating school’s particular resources.

Various extracurricular activities

  • Activities in the field of Commerce and Business
  • Activities in the field of Science
  • Activities in the field of Arts and Social Science